Thursday, July 3, 2008

it sounds like good food.

THIS JUST IN!!!  The Muhammads are going on their first vending experience in New Orleans. The city will never be the same! We are doing this  soul vegetarian, jamaican, coco-inspired smoothie, mashup thing. It's gonna be bananas. We are excited. Unlike some past vending adventures- we got mo' help this time.  

Fam from Detroit came down- 5  of them just happen to be here. Our siblings ranging in age from 5-19yrs old-it's on sun. The best part is that the event will be part of the MAAFA Celebration. Gotta pay attention to spirit y'all. We were just in Hope Community Credit Union minding our own business, opening up our savings account to save for our trip to the continent. You know getting our ujamaa on, and BAM! there goes this vendor application- and we know we gotta do it. Last night, we had a 90 minute family meeting with the 10 of us, and everybody was up for it- so we doin' it. 

Oh and by the way, the Baba and the boys made it on a flyer......... Rest in Uhuru Sean..... We have to ensure that all the babies are taken care of ... Lil Mama knows. Her video, L.I.F.E. is hard, can't believe we just said that. But it is- what can we say she suprised us!