Friday, April 25, 2008

For Sean.. For Jada.. For Justice!!!

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Sean and his beautiful daughter Jada

I thought I had something to say, something to write that was going to be beautiful- like this very day marks the 5th year in our marriage (which it does). But that seems small in the big scheme of things. The major headline, the major call from the mountaintop is that we want justice, we want reparations, we want a change. Today, Sean Bell's killers got off. What do we tell our young people? Do we tell them to go out and vote? Go to college and change this madness? What do we tell them? You can be Malcolm and Martin too. The Honorable Marcus Garvey was treated like he was nothing when he was deported back to his home country of Jamaica. Do we move like we were told to? ...forever?

What I do know is that we have to invest in our young people, and make them fearless for a cause. It's going down right now! It's nation building time- you ain't know?

Go to this site for more information and updates on actions that are happening in support of Sean Bell.

Jada and Black children all over the world are watching us closely.
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